Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hi! My name is Hollie.

Hi! My name is Hollie. Shaun and I went to graduate school together and subsequently became great friends. Shaun is one of those people in my life that I never want mad at me because he has far too much dirt on me! I am only kidding, of course! I met Sarah while she and Shaun were dating. I knew immediately that she was "right" for Shaun. They both glow when they are together. I am sure all of you can attest to this fact as well.

Okay, so you're probably wondering why you are hearing from me. Early in August the Cancer Wellness House held its annual event to raise funds to support their efforts. A morning at Snowbird, breakfast, fresh mountain air, and a tram ride was simply too much to resist. My husband, Dennis, and our 22 month old daughter Delanie took to the hills looking for some fun and adventure.

Like you, I have many family members and friends who are battling cancer, have battled cancer and won, and unfortunately those who fought valiantly against cancer and eventually lost the battle. Cancer is not something I would wish on an enemy, let alone a friend or family member. To this end, I attend and participate in events that either provide services for those battling cancer and their families, or fund research to find a cure for cancer.

I do not share this to brag and draw attention to myself. I share this information for a few reasons: I wanted Sarah and others to know that we were thinking of her and them, and we participated in this event for her and the others listed on our bib. Additionally, I know that sometimes I feel like I don't know what I can do to help my friends and family members with cancer. And, by participating in events such as Survivors at the Summit I get the sense that I am doing something...and every something matters.

So, this is me. Hollie. I love Shaun and Sarah like they are my family. I pray for them daily and think about them multiple times daily.

As a friend of mine who recently passed away from cancer would say, "To the fight!"

And we're all in your corner, Sarah!

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